Friday, June 5, 2009

Wallace Falls

So for Memorial Day we went hiking to Wallace Falls. We took it pretty easy, stopped to take pictures of everything. It was great. I love hiking in WA, everything is so beautiful. I didn't want to go through all the pictures, did I mention Mom, Dad and I all had our camera's and took lots of pictures? But I thought I'd post one of Middle Falls. It is gorgeous.

And since I took one, how about a video of the Middle Falls too? FYI I am not a great camera person, even if I did work as a cameraperson for KBYU.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The End is in Sight...Sort of

So I have only 2 weeks left of this semester before finals start. I'm not super worried, one's a take home, one's online and one isn't comprehensive. That's the good news. The less exciting news is that I still have like 18 mos before I am totally done. I'll survive, all I can say is I better be able to find a job now!
On another exciting note, I started WeightWatchers like 8 weeks ago and I have lost 14 lbs so far. In practical terms that is the weight of a 3 month old, 3 sacks of sugar, or 14 boxes of butter. Just imagine those strapped to your waist and it gives me more motivation to keep going.
So, yeah, nothing earth shattering but I was feeling guilty for the lag between posts.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Nowhere near as clever as my sisters

So apparently my blogging rate is once every other month, which doesn't seem so bad but is not even as close as most people. I was telling my mom about facebook- many of her friends and even her aunt, yes that would be my great aunt, have now joined facebook and so i was explaining the difference between blogs and facebook- anyway i was saying that i like to use facebook just to see what everyone is up to, but i don't usually comment or post about myself. I paused and then added that i do the same with blogging. She laughed and told me i have the same philosophy with phones. So just to update everyone who doesn't already know, technology in my world exists to serve me when it's convenient and i have no problem ignoring it when it's not. this doesn't mean that i don't read or appreciate other's updates, in fact i love them, but i rarely update myself. i apologize for this but lets face it those who know and love me realize this will probably never change.

i actually have an update on my life adventure today. Monday i started a second job, i now work 15 hours a week at Starbright Early Learning Center, basically as an aid. I work with 2 1/2 year olds which are a challenge but have always been one of my favorite ages. Also on the 30th I start school again. I decided against Everest College that i talked about previously and have elected to attend Everett Community College for basically the same program. The disadvantage is that it will take a year and a half verses 8 mo, the advantage is that it is about half the cost. (Everest was $14,000, EvCC $8,000) To save my sanity-which can't survive a year and a half without a real job- i plan to certify in phlobotomy concurrently (it requires the same classes as Medical Assisting, with one extra internship type class). So i will finish phlobotomy in december and hopefully get a job while i continue to study for Medical Assisting. Oh, phlobotomy is drawing blood.

So I think everyone is offically updated on my life, weird I almost typed love life, which for me takes one word- "nada"- unless you want to get fancy and pretend you can hear crickets chirping...

So um, yeah, love you all!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Julie's Amazing

So I was just checking out Julie's blog and was shamed into posting. My title was Happy Thanksgiving and she has posted 7 times just since Lilly was born. My new big plan is to enroll in Everest College (it's in Everett near the mall) to be a Medical Assistant. For those of you who wonder what a MA is, well when you visit the dr the person who takes your temp, blood pressure, symptoms etc, is a MA. They can also take blood and do other dr office stuff. The program takes 8 mo and i'll start either tuesday (1-20) or feb 19th. So as excited as I'm not to go back to school, this degree is very marketable and could get me an actual job that makes actual money which would be a novel experience. Anyway, I'll try to keep you posted on the progress I make, but if you want to read a cute blog, visit Julie's, nothing's cuter than my niece and nephew.