So apparently my blogging rate is once every other month, which doesn't seem so bad but is not even as close as most people. I was telling my mom about facebook- many of her friends and even her aunt, yes that would be my great aunt, have now joined facebook and so i was explaining the difference between blogs and facebook- anyway i was saying that i like to use facebook just to see what everyone is up to, but i don't usually comment or post about myself. I paused and then added that i do the same with blogging. She laughed and told me i have the same philosophy with phones. So just to update everyone who doesn't already know, technology in my world exists to serve me when it's convenient and i have no problem ignoring it when it's not. this doesn't mean that i don't read or appreciate other's updates, in fact i love them, but i rarely update myself. i apologize for this but lets face it those who know and love me realize this will probably never change.
i actually have an update on my life adventure today. Monday i started a second job, i now work 15 hours a week at Starbright Early Learning Center, basically as an aid. I work with 2 1/2 year olds which are a challenge but have always been one of my favorite ages. Also on the 30th I start school again. I decided against Everest College that i talked about previously and have elected to attend Everett Community College for basically the same program. The disadvantage is that it will take a year and a half verses 8 mo, the advantage is that it is about half the cost. (Everest was $14,000, EvCC $8,000) To save my sanity-which can't survive a year and a half without a real job- i plan to certify in phlobotomy concurrently (it requires the same classes as Medical Assisting, with one extra internship type class). So i will finish phlobotomy in december and hopefully get a job while i continue to study for Medical Assisting. Oh, phlobotomy is drawing blood.
So I think everyone is offically updated on my life, weird I almost typed love life, which for me takes one word- "nada"- unless you want to get fancy and pretend you can hear crickets chirping...
So um, yeah, love you all!