Saturday, January 17, 2009

Julie's Amazing

So I was just checking out Julie's blog and was shamed into posting. My title was Happy Thanksgiving and she has posted 7 times just since Lilly was born. My new big plan is to enroll in Everest College (it's in Everett near the mall) to be a Medical Assistant. For those of you who wonder what a MA is, well when you visit the dr the person who takes your temp, blood pressure, symptoms etc, is a MA. They can also take blood and do other dr office stuff. The program takes 8 mo and i'll start either tuesday (1-20) or feb 19th. So as excited as I'm not to go back to school, this degree is very marketable and could get me an actual job that makes actual money which would be a novel experience. Anyway, I'll try to keep you posted on the progress I make, but if you want to read a cute blog, visit Julie's, nothing's cuter than my niece and nephew.


Julie said...

I'm so excited that you are doing something different. I think that you will make an excelent MA. You are so good with people of all ages. You could help them feel very comfortable. I look forward to hearing more details.
(P.S. for those of you that do want to read my blog, it is a private blog, so you will need an invite. You just need to send me your e-mail and I will send an invite. Have Heather e-mail you my e-mail.)

Kritta22 said...

That's where I went to school for my Medical Assisitng degree!

Keep all your books and pay attention in the's most important!

Melinda said...

Earning actual money is a good thing. Earning fake money is not very useful unless you really like monopoly. At least, that's how I feel about it.

I'm excited about your plans. I think there are subtle ways that your previous degree will come in handy on your new adventure. I mean this seriously, but I can't help poining out that there's got to be a connection between adding to a family history and updating a medical history.

Thanks for posting. It's good to hear from you. You are one of my favorite people.

S said...

That sounds really exciting! I'm glad you're going for it--I want to hear all about it!

Julie said...

I want up dates. I know I get them on the phone, but I like to read new things on the blog. It gives me something to do.
Let us know how life is.

I love the bracelate you made Lilly, I think it will be great. Thanks so much. I wouldn't have even thought of doing that.